whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lets start with Launch Pad Mcquack

I think I’m going through my Scott pilgrim faze. I just want that kids life. I wanna move to Toronto and start a band and be 23 or 24 again. Seems like my life got so real in the last few years.

How have you all been. Its been months since I wrote anything on this blog. I tried starting a few times, but I felt like I didn’t have anything worth saying. Mostly because I retired and figured all anyone really cares about is what i'm doing in vball.

As you may remember I was last playing in Ankara turkey. It weird, it seems like yesterday I was there. Anyways, I decided to retire and I’ve been chillin out in Canada for the last 3 months. Honestly the time just flew by. Its so weird how that happens. I accomplished basically nothing beyond draining my bank account.

Anyways, I got board basically sitting around and decided I might poke my nose back in the volleyball market. Low and behold, something interesting came about and I took it, which kinda brings us to now. I’m in a bed, sweating and sticky in The United Arab Emirates in a town called Al Aim. Not because its crazy hot, (which I’m sure it will be in the morning) but because I was just in transit for…ever. Lemme take you though it before I move on. (in fact that might be all i have time for)

I caught a plane around 750 pm from Ottawa to Washington(20 min delay, no biggie), then boarded a flight from Washington to Dubai. In fact things were going kinda smooth up until that point. Anyways, I knew they wouldn’t get my bag on the second plane cuz the transfer was to way to quick, I had a moment after getting off the small regional jet where I saw my bag being unloaded and I knew, standing there staring at it for no less then 15 seconds, that would be the last i saw of it; but of course I boarded the next flight without bothering anyone, mostly because there were about 300 pissed of travelers at the gate when I got there. Turns out they had to switch the plane for some odd reason and every had to have their seats and tickets re-issued. So I cooled out in the gate waiting area way in the back away from the drama just observing like the masta killa (wu tang reference). Eventually we all got on(I don’t know why people get so rammy, (and I'm always amazed at how chill canadians are compared to the rest of the world)we’re all gonna get on before it leaves, they will not leave without everyone. Jeez) and waited for the pushback. So we waited….. and waited. Holy balls we waited. Finally around 1240am, keep in mind that’s 2 and a half hours after we were supposed to start moving, the first mate or whoever gets in the mic and announces there was a blown fuse in something stupid, its fixed now, hopefully someone is fired, and we can now depart. Awesome. Then a quick 12 and a half hours later and we were in Dubai. Considering I had the most central seat possible to ensure the tallest guy on the plane was smashed and crammed like a sardine in a tin, in a garbage compactor, in china (row 25, middle seat) things could have gone worse. I slept for like 6 hours on and off. so that was nice.

Anyways, fast forward to when to the airport. Somehow things are very clearly labeled whist being extremely vague. Long story short, I stood in the same lines twice because insructions were quite unclear, but eventually I got my visa, passport, and retina scan in order and got to the baggage claim, where I waited a short 15 minutes before giving up since I took into consideration the initial hour and a half I stood in lines before heading to the baggage claim office. At least once I got there after a short wait I was quickly informed that my bag was safely in Washington DC, and it would arrive in the country the next day on the same flight. Awesome, at least they know where it is, kinda. After filing the report I walked outside to meet the kind driver who had been waiting an extra 3 hours from when he thought we'd be on our way. Then just a quick hour drive to the town where I’m going to be playing and BAM! Home sweet Al Ain. Total travel time= so much.

Ain’t that some shit. What a voyage. But I’m sure some of you might still be wondering, “all that is fine and sweet Dallas, but why the hell aren’t you still in Turkey?”. And that’s a valid question. But alas I have no pure and simple answer. To be honest things were pretty good in Turkey, the club was great, the team was full of good dudes and they were paying the players on time. Really that’s hard to come by in my line of work, but my weak little soul had just had enough. I needed a break, more mentally than Physically. Although that being said I wasn’t playing very well and I knew I was hurting the team more than helping it. I figured when I could see nothing positive in my own game, even the odd times when I was playing well it was time to call it a career. Or for a while at least.

Anyways, that’s probably enough of an update now. If you have any questions, get at me. Again; Scott pilgrim. I know its a life that doesn't exist. The closest I can think of is probably Tim Coopers life. he's super sweet. is Tim Cooper actually Scott pilgrim... I think this the time change is getting to me.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dallas, I'm glad you are back playing again. What club is this in Arab Emirates?

And you did sort of answer this already, but it was kind of short.. what made you leave in the first place? Was Turkey just not working out, or were you thinking of starting a whole new life or.. ?

Also, Canada should be able to qualify for the World League in 2012, is that something you are looking forward to?

7:44 PM  

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