whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Friday, July 07, 2006


Well I got a half hour to burn so why not. Its been about a month or so since my last entry. So whats new. Lemme see here. Well its still groundhog day. Everyday is the same. Ummm. I'm in Spain. Its alright. And we where in Poland a week ago. That was also alright. We're on the ass end of a three week tour of Europe. The idea behind this is to prepare us for the world championship, which is basically the same timeline. LOONNGGG. Few mornings off. But Its good for us, making us stronger. And we're playing better which is sweet. But I'm ahead of myself, I should put some order to this.

So we flew into Warsaw after a short flight from T dot, then got on a bus and drove a few hours to a small town in the north east of Poland. I think. I have no idea where it was really. So we stayed in a nice little hotel which was an apartment building in which Jews where dragged from, and then killed in front of. Creepy, but me and Wolf didn't read the plaque on the wall out front till the last day. Did yall know the sun gets up at 3 am in eastern Poland. That was ruff. So we played Poland A and B there. Won one, lost one, progressively better performances, which is good. Great fans. Really into it. OH side note; women in Poland are hot. Mad hot. At least that’s what my teammates told me. I don't notice these things since I only have eyes for one woman. Anyways. After the two warm-up matches we moved to Olsztyn Poland where we played in the Hubert Wagner memorial tournament. This was great. Very very well done. Three cities. Tons of fans. Great teams. Us, Poland A and B, Cuba, Portugal, Italy, Egypt, Norway. We got third which was great. We got better every match which is what we're looking for. Some dudes even got jobs. Not me, I'm broke ass. I'm gonna chalk it up to me getting food poisoning after our great pool matches. Turns out McDonalds ice-cream will funk you right up. I wish someone would have told me that before I spent a night throwing up till 8 am. I missed the whole next day sleeping till around 5 or 6 pm. But I did wake up in time to see our boys give it to Poland on TV. We lost in 5. one error made the difference. That’s it. That’s the difference at this level. One error after 5 sets of dirty gritty clawing. But I'm happy with our guys. Poland ended up beating Cuba in the final. But That’s a whole different story. Cubans… man, I don't get them. Anyways, that was Poland in a nut shell. Nice place. I'll tell you bout Spain later. Click on the advertisement yall.


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