whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Monday, April 27, 2009

playoffs are funny like that.

So i'm 25 years old now.  that snuck up on me.  I don't feel much different.  maybe a small false sense of "I know a thing or two".  I know I got heaps to learn about urverything, and probably most about the things I think i already know.

I forgot how much NOFX rocks.  it blows my mind that I was rocking to them ten years ago.  I'm currently listening to an album from 12 years ago and I can remember when it was new.  Man,  I was a little shit punk.  To think of what my life was about the first time I heard this album... man,  how did I end up in front of a laptop in the south of france playing sports professionally.  anyways, i should move on.

Fastforward to now.  I just had my birthday again and it was pretty hectic.  My team was in Portiers for the second match of our quarter final.  Already we'd put this league on its head by not only sneaking into playoffs after a tragic regular season, but we'd just won the first match of a best of three series beating the first ranked team in the league (we were ranked 8th, last in playoffs).  Needless to say, things went well on the 25th of april.  we beat the home team in an intense match and plowed into the semi-finals and a birth into a european cup next year.  Man,  what a silly few weeks.

My body kinda hurts; for the first time this year my knees are starting to tell me "slow down there old balls".  Its not like I have any sharp shooting pain,  just a long drawn out dull pain encompassing both knees.  I guess thats why they pay people to play.  times like this u gotta push.  hey, its playoffs.  anyways,  I should sleep cuz I gotta knock this cold so I don't collapse in the middle of the second set wednesday night.  Either way, win or loose,  I'm simply enjoying myself now.  All this is just icing on the cake.  the cherry on my sundae, the charlie2na to my jurassic 5, the beauty mark on my Cindy Crawford.  Man I must be old if I can remember Cindy Crawford.  that girls old new....kinda like me.  PEACE!


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