whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

One Step from Mental BreakDown/Spoilled North American

i think its crazy how Tupac and Biggie were down, let alone KNEW each other when they were young. that's like Jordan and Bird growing up together. I know you know, but how weird is that?

Top five dream jobs:

Owner of mom and pop Record shop ran the way I want to run it. With all the records I want to sell to people, with the stupid posters I want on the walls, and the crappy music I want to listen to during the day.

Pro DJ. Travel the world playing music I like. Playing it the way I want it to be played. Playing the music I want people to hear. Dancing and making people dance, sharing a personal intimate smile from across a massive club.

Writer, as you can see I can't write worth shit. Any kind really. Movies, novels etc. Sit around with a pen or a lappy or whatever. Write what I want, when I feel like I have something to say and Booya, people read it and find it life changing.

Pro Athlete… wait a min.
Any sport in which you are paid enough not to have another job. Soccer in England, volleyball in Italy, handball in Germany, swimming in Australia, Baseball in U.S. and A.

Pro Sport League Commissionaire.
Someday yall will bow to the crazy rules I implement in the Canadian Volleyball league.


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