whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


you know some days like today, I wish there were more hours in a day. but there is not. and I should be sleeping. yet i'm up, yacking at yall.

Will someone explain judging to me? I don't think I fully understand when I'm not supposed to be doing it. also when is it ok to judge? how is it even done. jeepers.

Lets take for example, a conversation I had but a few nights ago whist waiting in a friends car. A conversation I'm sure everyone has had in one light or another. In the words of the great Dougie fresh, "and it goes alittle something like thiiiiis".

Me. Hey can I see your cd's?

Whomever. Sure they're on the dash there.

Me. ....spice girls hey. mm hummm. ahh yes, nickelback......

Whomever. Hey don't judge me!!
Me. pfffshh, sit your 5 dollar ass down before I decide to make change....

(ok maybe the last part didn't happen)

NOW, what the crap are they talking about. What did I just do, and why do they want me to stop it? From what I gather, I looked at their cd collection, and I guess I JUUUDGED their choice in music.... or something?? Now I'm unclear on how that comes off as a negative, because I hear all the time how "your shouldn't judge people". Well isn't that life? Isn't that how detectives make their living? they JUDGE what they think has happened by reviewing the evidence.... I'm certain it would hold up in court if the Detective said,

"ahh yes your honor, we found the defendant with the full discography of Ace of Base on his person. And from this we have concluded him to be a massive homo."

so again I ask, how else are we supposed to get to know people. Maybe its sexist but I hear more women saying it than men. But isn't it the women who are wanting to be judged; preferably as attractive? If a woman is wearing Clothing that society has deemed provocative, is she not looking for men to judge what is put before them, and take the hint that she's available?

What I've been told is you shouldn't judge someone; ever! you should speak to them first, them make your........ uhh....... judgment? Sounds like a catch 22. I can't speak to a persons CD collection, I can only listen to the disc's, and recognise what a load of garbage they are.

So for all yall who's music collection I have disturbed, please understand, next time I'm looking through your Ipod looking like I just drank milk that has possibly reached its "best before date", know its not you i'm judging, just the piece of garb tracks that have found their way into your library.


Blogger loves it. said...

hahaha. i have no idea what this is about. all i can say is... don't judge me... you don't know me. :)

9:46 PM  

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