whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Thursday, February 25, 2010

don't call it a comeback, I been here for months

You cats gotta listen to more Marvin Gaye. I went on a Gaye craze last night via Youtube, That man could sang.

You know, I'm creepin on my own facebook profile and i'm thinkin to myself, man I used to have sweet clothes. its like the deeper I go, the farther I go back, the louder and higher pitched I say DAMN! to myself...alone....in my apartment... alone.

Anyways for those of you that don't know, I had my whole wardrobe lost slash stolen by some mark ass greyhound employee. Its like this, I sent two bags home this summer, one with documents and whatnot, and the other much larger bag, full of all the clothes that I'd want to take with me anywhere i.e. europe. In the end only one bag made it. So I was left to leave to europe for a year with a few practice shorts and some ankle braces. Solid. All in all i figure there was somewhere between $1,000 to $3,000 worth of flare in that bag. and I'm all but certain there's some short round greasy greyhound bus jockey sportin my fine ensembles around the bingo hall.

Yes I know i'm hating on greyhound employees a lot, and I shouldn't, they've been nothing but helpful in this matter. I mean I got a fat cheque of $100 AMERICAN to make up for their fumble.... wait a min.....carry the...multiply the..... ya it doesn't quite make up for everything, but its not the employees fault, its the big scary faceless machine that is greyhound. whatever. I'm over it.

It is kind of neat having an excuse to shop. Really I can buy anything and claim its necessity. Not to anyone else that is, just to myself.

Ya I know its been a while since I blogged last, and I appoligize for that. I had some shiz to do. In the words of the great Rhymefest: I don't get writers block, I block writers." Now i'm not entirely sure that comes into play here, but thought yall should hear about Rhymefest regardless.

So maybe I'll blog more often now, maybe I won't, well see.

p.s. ok whats actually new, I'm in Almeria Spain, we're in first place. I was in canada for a week clearing up visa issues, and went to a raptors game which was awesome. During time outs, the refs would dance to the jay-z on the P.A. and laugh when they saw each other doing so from opposite sides of the court. Hey refs are people too.


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