whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Thursday, January 19, 2006



Holy crap ass man. So I've been to many shows in my day. Some of my most memorable were: velvet revolver, System of a Down, Korn, Snoop Dogg, PEARL JAM!; but I have to say, One act topped them all. And with all the fire and lights these other acts had, a man with two steel wheels and mixer, moved me the most.

The man I speak of is ?uestlove. He's the DJ/producer/drummer from the Roots; The groundbreaking hip-hop/neo-soul group out of Philly. Now I'm sayin, This man, knows music. Like knows it all. If you've ever heard a hip hop song... ANY hip hop song, he knows who its by, and what the samples in the song are from. And he proved this at the show by spending a solid 2 hours playing the original versions of a song, then playing the hip hop song that sampled it. For example, the song, "one step ahead" by Aretha Franklin was sampled by Mos Def. So he played the Aretha Franklin song, and them mixed in "ms. Fat Booty", the song that sampled it. In doing this he kept the audience trying to figure out what hip hop song sampled the old school song he was playing. It was an amazing way to involve the crowd psychologically in the show.

now not only did ?uest, spend 4 hours straight spinning hits, he had time afterwards to sign shit for us backwards ass Canadians. This really meant something to me personally, not just cuz i have a roots cd signed by ?uestlove now, but cuz i know he was tired, and had to catch a flight. But the man loves what he does; True love for the game.

he only spoke for about 3 mins during four hours, and told us he didn't come to preach, but what he said stuck with me. He said "hip hop is all music, Its the blending of all great music into a certain form and celebrating it." This is a lesson i will always come back to, especially next time I'm at cowboys and some goofy shit comes on the stereo. gotta have love for the whole art form. Anyways. Listen to the roots, its on some expand your mind type shit.

p.s. i'll put pictures of questlove up if you click the ad.