whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Sunday, October 31, 2010


For sure its time to put something on the blog. man its been a while. well last you heard we were gonna play serbia at the world champ and didn't have a chance at a W. turns out we won in 4. what they hey, hey. so that happened then it all went to garb. we lost to the germans in three and were out. since then some of us travelled back to canada, took a few days rest and started our pro seasons. I'm currently playing in Ankara turkey and quite frankly. I like it alot. we've had mixed results as of yet, but i'm staying positive. There's three canadians on my squad, josh howatson, steve gotch and myself. this does make he experience easier. having english around and someone who can relate to your outlook on cultures and situations. this is also suplimented by having a team full of great dudes, not to mention our team manager who spent 13 years in boston and like myself is a huge celtics fan. ahh yes, on that note, one of the biggest unexpected bonus' thus far is of the 2 english tv channels I get, one is nba tv. massive! so all in all things are ok. so please enjoy the video of the ladies and the daft punk. oh, and go buy clothes at moose meat apparel. word up.

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