whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Monday, September 14, 2009

Here we go again for 9 months

so lets see.  where do I start.  I've had a lot in my head lately.  Not sure where to start.... mostly cuz I can't remember anything right now.  well I guess I'll just wing it.

So, I am in Almeria Spain.  I got here a week ago and I'm finally starting to adjust to the time and the heat.  oh my sweet baby jesus the heat.  its starting to cool off to about 27 or 28 now in the day time but man it was pretty hot at first.  the first night I was here I couldn't sleep untill 5 am when I passed out because I was sweating profusely.  I know,  sexy, but regardless of how hot the mental image is for you, it wasn't enjoyable at all for me.  Other than that, I have no real complains (yet) about things here.  The team is full of great dudes, our coach seems to know what he wants from us, and I drive a BMW.  that right.  you heard.  I drive a new BMW because the team is sponsored by a dealership here in town.  sure beats the inaugural volvo I was driving a few seasons back.

The summer with Team Canada ended on a positive note.  we qualified for the world championship next year in Italy.  so thats a light at the end of the tunnel to look forward too.  Gotta be honest, I sure miss home.  but thats natural for me at this part of the season.  transitions are always hard no matter how sweet the place your going or coming from is.  Now at least I know that, and I know not to freak when I'm feeling a bit down or drained and can't figure it out.

anyways, I'm feeling a bit drained right now, so i'm off to bed.  be good yall.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

out of date

First I wanna say sorry for not updating in a blue moon.  I've kinda been all over the place and I don't have a internet connection.  I just got to Almeria spain and I'm still adjusting.  team canada won our last tournament in mexico so we're now qualified for the world championship in italy next summer.

I wanna say hi to the three nice ladies from Ireland that I met two nights ago. I wanna say thank you for the compliment from ALE and again sorry to everyone who's actually interested in where I am.  shall update you guys as soon as I get a connection in my appartment.... so don't hold your breathe.  so everybody keep it real, and enjoy each other.  peace out.