whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Now before you go and listen to this song, read this little diddy first.

I feel as though I know something about music.  I like learning about most parts of it; from the thought of writing a track, to the kids getting punched in the chest by speakers hammering out bass lines.  I'm well aware there are higher authorities than myself on the subject (I think they voted stairway to heaven as their favorite), and there are countless tracks I haven't heard, or ever will, BUT, I've come to the conclusion that sex type thing by Stone Temple Pilots might be the greatest rock song ever.  Its simple and to the point.  It has one purpose, and that is to rock the shit out of anyone within earshot.  It involves every essential ingredient:  

1. Sex: if you listen to any one line of the song, its easy to pick up what home boy was thinking about when he scribbled down the words, probably on the back of a condom box...  or maybe not, dude IS a rock star.

2. Drugs: Although drugs aren't really mentioned in the song itself, The singer of STP is notorious for his advocation of drug use.  "apparently" he's all for drugs if you can control your addictions.  problem was, he couldn't control himself.  But I do think he's clean now,  and good on him.  he still rocks out the Jagger quasi-homoerotic dance moves and looks cool as shit doing it.

3. Face Melting sounds:  The song itself is fairly repetitive, (they keep the recipe simple, why fix what ain't broken) but that doesn't bother me at all, cuz the riff is so heavy and angry.  Simple, guitar, bass, drums, vocals.  It hits my chest like a Mac Truck or a stockton pass; and its got occasional distortion in the guitar that Chuck Berry would be proud of.

Anyways,  I don't want you to listen to this song until you have a stereo in which you can hear the whole spectrum of sounds being produced otherwise the full effect won't be achieved.  you gotta be able to feel the bass drum kicking you in the ass, and the guitar accents in your hair follicles.  Anyways.  I'm gonna go grow this mustache.  Sweet Dee out.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The inner workings of my mind grapes

I forgot to mention I'm going to play volleyball in spain next year.  Town called Almeria.  Its on the southern tip.  Basically Africa.  Its like half a gun shot from morocco.  Maybe a nine iron.  They even wrote up a nice article on their website.  My mother quite enjoyed that.

I went to a movie alone tonight.  I asked a few people to go and all said no.  I think secretly I was kinda happy no one said yes.  some times a guy needs alone time.  time to re-think his whole game plan.  or remember old game plans forgotten and need to get back on.  gotta get back on track.

I've been living in Gatineau PQ since may and it still feels like I just got here.  I don't have anything on my walls and my rooms looks like a bomb went off with all my clothes uvry where.

I honestly feel bloggers should only blog when they have interesting things to blog about... so...

Monday, July 13, 2009

I know you want whats on my mind

that was wild.  This guy just strummed this thin metal string with the end of his index finger to create a electrical pulse that ran through about a million speakers, and 20,000 people standing in a field felt a bass tone in the chest.

I just got back from watching Stone Temple Pilots play at the Ottawa bluesfest.  man those guys know how to rock.  Sex Type Thing may be the rockinest rock song I've ever seen played live.  it was perfect rock.  anyways I'll quit geeking out.  but I will say this, at one point in the concert, while a field of rockers were facing forward to see what crazy antics might come next, i looked left.  and there was the Canadian War Memorial Museum.  Now i'm not sure if soldiers fought so we can have rock and roll, but I was very thankful to have the opportunity to live and have the freedom to choose my lifestyle.  Basically it boils down to this,  I might not agree with the war, but I have nothing but respect for the soldier who is fighting to defend his country.  The soldier doesn't pick the fight, he just answers the call.


Its been a while since I've blogged.  lots of stuff has happened.  I'm still training with Team Canada in ottawa.  things are going well.  except my feet hurt.  I should let you know I'm kinda down, and kinda tired. so I'll stop there.