whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Shaven Epiphanies

So I’m in the bathroom wearing a towel shaving my face, and I come to the realization:

"Dallas your 23 and your body is starting to hurt when you try to do things athletically.

This is the best your ever gonna look."

That’s a weird cold feeling for a dude to have.; like the Alberta oil market, I’ve peaked, and there's nothing to look forward to but insane mortgage payments that nobody can afford and ghost towns.

After a few uncomfortable droll seconds starring at myself crookedly in the mirror, I reached yet another conclusion..... I look goooood.

The who reason for shaving was to tighten my game up. its been a few weeks and my face was starting to look like Pascal Cardinal's chest. mad rug style.* I had just discovered an old broke ass looking garbage bag in some tiny ass crawl space in our basement FULL of suits my dad bought circa 74'-85'. Pops was a fly dresser. they don't even make three peice suits like this no more. So I tried a few on, low and behold, I TO am now fly as a flock of geese. Dad said "go ahead, take one", to which I proceeded to snatch 3. Its not like he can fit them anymore.

This lead me to another thought:

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you knew your parents growing up? I think my dad and I would be chums, but I'd constantly be bombarding him with harassment for being such a square. My dad is the definitive straight arrow. Any of you whom have ever been in any sort of contact with me know I might rock to the beat of a relatively unrefined drum. Alas, He'd clearly be the sharper dresser.

*shout out mad love to Cards

Sunday, October 07, 2007

So once again, Ty Fraz has revolutionised the short film game with his latest effort "Awesome Squad". Originally created for the Edmonton Film Festival, who completely missed the boat, it is now here for urbody to see for FREE. you heard. so check it out. notice Ty's fly dance moves at the end. cats don't even know how to pull them moves anymore.... POTATO'S FOR MOST