whats happening to Dallas?

the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm lookin for new beginnings without sanctions like Thurgood Jenkins

Seriously,  how mad can you get at a dude for stepping on your shoes.  its not like dhu knew you was wearing your fly new nike sneakers.  box fresh!  Shoes go on the ground,  the ground is where dogs spit and people shit, so whats the prob with some dudeguy scuffing a shoe by accident.  

Seems like some peoples children get upset like someone deliberately slapped their aunt.  I know i'm guilty as OJ but what do you THINK is gonna happen to white sneaks.  they can't stay clean forever.  (know how you can say never say never,  why can't you say something like: forever say...forever)  I guess what i'm getting at is, like is so much easier when you don't let the stupid little stuff get you all ruffled like the uppidy turkey wearing a monocle i have pictured in my head right now.  haha... silly turkey aristocrat.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

You know,  from my limited experience kickin it around this eurf, I've found you can make most situations miserable, or enjoyable.

But i've never had to go a day on an empty stomach or nothing like that.  honestly can't even imagine what that be like.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

randome lyrics for yo miind

To that beat of that jazzy instrumental,  you know the one:

So I walk up in the supermarket checkin my step, I don't mess with discotheques, the dairy section I rep.

my impressive frame and natural body scent is last thing they expect, when they look up from reading cheesy calorie content.

I throw different angles like "I would love to school-ya", "for instance red wine's goin great with the gou-da"

I'm just tryin to introduce, not fool her,  cuz an hour later have her feinding like a baby from a baby sootha.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Remember, Cosbyness is next to godliness.

whats worse for the environment;  tin/aluminum foil or plastic wrap?  like from start to finish, what hurts mr. planet the most?  personally I just like to eat the sandwich as soon as I make it,  why wait.

well its 2 am on a sunday night and I'm up blogging.  probably be up for a bit.  I was up till 330 lastnight cuz we won a game and had to celibrate.  so we had a nail bitter on saturday and won in 5 sets against the second last place team in our league, and to be honest,  after the last ball fell,  it felt like we won the world series... of french volleyball.  Its just we've been playing so bad lately, it was nice to grind out a win u know.  Big match coming this saturday.  Montpellier vs. sete.  which doesn't mean anything to anyone not in a 30km radius of.... well i guess were I write to you from right now.  my firm yet comforting bed.  I really just want to keep tryin to get my game back,  but I'm sure the two organizations will be sweating bullets all week.  poor dudes.

Today I went and saw Gav play in sete.  dude gave me his flower before the game which is generally meant to be given to small girls, mothers and girlfriends.  Of course it was documented as you can see from the above photo.  I thought it was funny, so I flamboyented up the exchange.  makes me wonder why I didn't go for a career in gay art shows or musical theater.  anyways.  its pretty late.  I had more to say... I think,  but its pretty late and my mind is woorrkkinggg ssllloooowwww.  I think i'm gonna cool out on this Q-tip and slip off to sleep.

p.s.  prey for my Grandmother please.  she is very tired.  thank you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

EKG's and hair steez