they didn't invite me so I guess I'm eating here
you know it seems i only write these things when i have bad shit to report. I'll try to get happier. So, there comes a time in every single persons career, be it athletic or not, when he or she realizes they've peaked. That is a hard thing to swallow. A lot goes through a persons head at this time. Do I have to quit? Should I find other work? Should I fake my way through this? I've discovered that its hard to face at 22. or so I claim, i have no bases for comparison. I've never been any older. But the fact is, knowing your not going to improve anymore is frustrating on many levels. You'll see if you haven't reached this point yet. The worst part is knowing your about to let down everyone that believed in you. altho they have their own jazz to worry about, it upsets them. Like when your team gets kicked out of the playoffs. fuck ass. Someone give me a job.