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the trials and tribulations of a young indian in the citaaaaay

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Birdman drops one

The following is an old interview with Steve Brinkman. soooo read it.

[29/04/10 3:00:53 PM]

Dallas Soonias: Alright, welcome all back to the blog, its been a while since I did one of these interview, and I assure you its not because i'm to busy or can't find subject matter or people to interview, its simply out of bordom. but today we have Steve Brinkman here to answer a few questions on the most important topics of the day.

Steve Brinkman: hey yo

Dallas soonias: Steve, Important stuff first. How do you feel about the Habs beating the ovechkins?

Steve Brinkman: well its mixed feelings... i love it that Ovechkin is out.. I would love it if he never won a stanley cup.. thus proving that Crosby is the superior kind. But being a part of "Leafs Nation" forces me to hate on the Habs.. i say Pens in 5

Dallas soonias: I can appriciate your pessimistic approach of softly hating on everyone. Speaking of Russians, you played in the motherland for a season, how was that?

Steve Brinkman: Alot of snow, ice, and Borscht
Dallas soonias: truth. so one could say your glad that season is behind you?

Steve Brinkman: well lets just say that it was a great experience and leave it at that

Dallas soonias: mmk. so this season your in Japan. how are the fans? and the food and everything?

Steve Brinkman: Japan is amazing... living in Tokyo is for sure at the top of my long list of random countries that I've played in over my career. The people are kind and go out of their way to help you, the fans are organized and loud but polite to the other teams fans (fan clubs will wait thier turn while the opposite teams fans are cheering). The food... the food is unreal.. you can get anything and everything from any part of the world here and you are guarenteed it will be of the highest quality. The japanese food is pretty interesting.. they eat alot of crazy things as you might imagine. Japan is a "foody" heaven as my wife likes to put it..

Dallas soonias: so your saying the Japanese are jerks. got it. would you consider yourself a foody?

Steve Brinkman: i like food, does that make me a "foody"?

Dallas soonias: not really. if food effects all other aspects of your life on a daily basis, thats probably a foody. like someone who will sacrifice the joy of others for food. like Adam Kaminski. what are your thoughts on your long time teamate Scott Koskie stepping up as the new Asst. coach for the womens national team.

Steve Brinkman: Great for him... to be honest I never saw him coaching womens teams however I am really happy that he is gaining that experience and giving back to the volleyball world. He was one of my mentors growing up on the national team and I am proud of the "old grey balls".

Dallas soonias: ya me too, ol krotchkie always seemed to have a valid point of view on things. What are your thoughts on the coming summer. How many national team seasons will this be for you?

Steve Brinkman: oh man... i guess this will be my 13th season... yikes thats scary! I am really still just as excited as my first years with the team just being a member of our National team and representing Canada! I am very optimistic about our upcoming summer... I think the younger guys have really developed nicely and we have one of the best coaches in the world calling the shots. We have a tough pool and World Championships this september but I believe we will move on to the next round. Personally I am looking forward to spending time with this group of players that we have now as it is a "new" group for me and I wasnt around much last summer, so I really want to contribute as much as I can.

Dallas soonias: really 13 years isn't alot, or isn't too much I should say. Meaning I'm sure you got more in the tank that you think. Like Bill Russell playing 13 seasons in the NBA back in the day is like D Wade playing 20 seasons now. Point is, we'll have you playing when your on oxygen.

Steve Brinkman: haha thanks.. ya man keep that O2 tank close by!

Dallas soonias: but lets wrap it up on this note, now's about the time players are heading into their tryouts for their summer squads, what did you wish you knew before the tryouts way back when that you know now?

Steve Brinkman: it doesnt matter how many pushups you can do... just show them your game.. and dont be intimidated by any veterans or returning "star" players.

Dallas soonias: truth to that. couldn't have said it any better myself. Alright then, we're all out of time here, or atleast thats what i'm gonna claim, so I'd like to say a big thank you to the man Davis St. Pierre affectionally referes to as Stink Breathman. And best of luck in your final days in Japan.

Steve Brinkman: arrigato gozaimasu D-Soon

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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Well THATS awfully self-centered.

I figured someone might wanna watch this. Its actually intended for clubs to watch and decide if they want me to ball for them, I don't regularly make videos solely of myself. I just don't have the time.

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