This blog is dedicated to the memories of Derek Proudfoot and Jesse Mighton. Neither are dead, i just miss them so.
Okay, I play volleyball so i might as well talk about it hey. Lets talk about blocking.
whats the best way to block. hmmmm. Where to start. Ok on a very basic level, the point of the block is to stop the ball from coming onto your side of the net, and to put it down on the opponents. This can be done with any part of the body, but is done easiest with the arms and hands (sometimes face, like my man Leo). To block, I'm guessing your gonna want to reach over the net as much as possible as to make the area for possible attack smaller. on a side note I heard back in the day you couldn't reach over the net when blocking, that musta been so effed, the game must have been totally different. Anyways... Where was I. It makes sense to make your block as big as possible; this is done by spreading the fingers wide, and placing the arms just wide enough so a volleyball can not pass through them without a perfectly placed shot.
Ok, now when teaching kids how to block, do yall think its better to teach them to take the biggest area possible, or to teach them to read where the attacking is hitting, and put their hands in the way. Do you teach them to swing block or shuffle. Personally I like to teach kids how to swing block. Just cuz they are young doesn't mean they can't be athletic.
please, leave a comment on what you think is the best way to block.