I'm lookin for new beginnings without sanctions like Thurgood Jenkins
Seriously, how mad can you get at a dude for stepping on your shoes. its not like dhu knew you was wearing your fly new nike sneakers. box fresh! Shoes go on the ground, the ground is where dogs spit and people shit, so whats the prob with some dudeguy scuffing a shoe by accident.
Seems like some peoples children get upset like someone deliberately slapped their aunt. I know i'm guilty as OJ but what do you THINK is gonna happen to white sneaks. they can't stay clean forever. (know how you can say never say never, why can't you say something like: forever say...forever) I guess what i'm getting at is, like is so much easier when you don't let the stupid little stuff get you all ruffled like the uppidy turkey wearing a monocle i have pictured in my head right now. haha... silly turkey aristocrat.