So, day two of the Canada Cup is over. Pretty disappointing for the Canadian teams. First the B team lost to Argentina, then the A team lost to Tunisia. Wild hey. I haven't even explained what happened yesterday have I. My bad.
yesterday Tunisia beat Argentina in four. Pretty surprising I think. I would have thought Argentina would have walked all over them, but Argentina doesn't have any of their big guns. After that Canada A beat Canada B in five. Good match for the most part. Till the end that is... Canada B kinda just fell apart. Which sucks. Good, so that was lastnight. now about tonight.
We lost to Argentina in four, really not our best showing, but I guess what do you expect from a bunch of university players thrown together 2 days before an international tourny. A lot of these dudes have never played senior international ball before. Excuses I guess. Whatever. And Canada A! What happened there, loosing to Tunisia. Its not so much that Tunisia is bad, Canada just let it slip away. Tunisia is very good, but shouldn't beat Canada. Come on. Forget about it. So hopefully tomorrow will be better. I sure hope so. Damn, greyhound don't float on water...
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