Slow Roasting like Top Sirloin and Columbian Beans.
Seriously, if your fortunate enough to be provided with fresh fruit. eat it. its delicious and better for you than that other crap you've been eating.
I find myself reflecting alot these last few days. about waaaay back childhood, all the way up to university. Man, remember when you were really young. like first memories of life young.
I was trying to figure out when you start to remember. I think in all my memories I can talk; but that could just be my mind tricking me into remembering my emotions and just adding what I WOULD have said if I could have talked.
I remember we had a big deck on the back of the house and the bottom of the deck was closed in, you know like kinda fenced in, but it was high enough that we could store bikes and lawnmowers under it. That was the coolest little environment. I remember it was like a pre-made fort, with a gate and everything. I used to go digging around in the dirt under there to see what kind of neat stuff i could find. I don't think I ever found anything. oddly enough I think I went on a digging spree every few months, just incase someone put something there.
My back yard was the most interesting place when i was young. there was SO much there. The yard itself was large because it opened onto a greenbelt that ran about half a km down to the Red Deer river. Seems like the older I got, the further away from the house I conquered.
When I was just a little tike, like running around in diaper little, me and my brother and our friends made kingdoms in our sandbox. we'd start with castles and fortress walls, and then run the hose from the side of the house and make rivers and moats for our little sand world.
Then there was the stage I'm dreading as a parent because I think I may have large children. The faze I'm talking about is when you get all bundled up so you can't bend your arms or legs and you look like a star fish, and you go SLEDDING! this was awesome cuz you just sat on the sled being all fat, and your parents pulled you and your sled EVERYwhere. (this reminds me of those child basket trolly things that rich parents attach to the back of their bikes n' sit there kids in and pull them. not the seat that goes on the back of the moms bike, I'm talking about that canvas covered chariot for children who are going to have a life of let downs once they get to big to be pulled in it. stupid lucky kids whom I'm still jealous of.)
what was i talking about...right, I digress.
Then we got a bit older and ventured farther discovering a labyrinth of walking paths, which of course we assumed were put there for us to use our rad neon green BMX bikes.
Then of course we hit the stage were we rebelled and used remote areas of the forest to get into tomfoolery. you know, hide porno mags (which seemed to always be at least a decade old), and...... well thats all that comes to mind really, but I'm sure we hid other precious gems... don't judge me, u did the same shiz. damn.
Then much later once it was no big deal to be just beyond the backyard, on the river shores, or anywhere in between, there was the boozedrinks. Generally me and my homies would only get about a drink deep each and be to smashed to know what's up, so we'd just go home.
I don't really know what the moral of all this is. I think exploring new things is fun no matter how old you are.
By the by, volleyball is going better. my body feels strong again and not in constant pain in the feet and knees. I feel like a young Dallas Soonias again circa 2006.
I baked a pie tonight. That was a part of the culinary arts I've never explored before. anyways. let them know you love them. peice out.